Blitz Copy is just the "File/Folder Copy" command from the main program, isolated for daily usage.
Blitz Copy
Use the "Blitz Copy" to create a VERY FAST copy of a file or a folder. It performs nearly exactly the way Apple's Finder does when the the user tries to copy a file or folder from one location to another. Dates, colors, window positions, view preferences, scroll amounts, etc. are all properly preserved. Your duplicate copy will be renamed. This function will use as much local memory, and if needed, as much temporary memory as possible, even if fragmented File comments are not preserved in this version. Your duplicate copy will be renamed, for example : "My_Music copy 199" will become "My_Music copy 200". To select a folder or disk partition to copy depress the "Select File or Folder" button. To select an entire volume, enter any directory on that volume and then, with NOTHING selected, depress the "Select File or Folder" button. If you are positioned all the way at the top root (Desktop), then instead of selecting every volume as the source or target locations, the first volume would be selected.
How good is our copy file/folder feature?
System 7.0 Finder has flaws that our copy function doesn't have: (Ours copies over 700 folders deep with saftey checking,Apple's Finder loses data beyond 99 levels deep.) Also ours functions with little or no "temporary" memory, but Apples Finder will not function always with little "temporary memory"! It can be over twice as fast as System 7.0s Finder, and with 1 Megabyte sized files it has been timed once as over three times faster. Two other popular programs offer "super fast file/folder copying". They are : Salient's DiskDoubler INIT, and CE's DiskTop. Those programs are not as fast as ours by far! Blitz Copy measures over twice as fast as DiskDoubler 3.7 routinely, and much faster than DiskTop 4.01. Also DiskTop lost window scroll positions, icon positions, etcetera (as well as blowing up with heavily nested folders), and DiskDoubler does not faithfully copy window scroll positions and other things.
Technical note: Blitz Copy performs this function best if System 7.0 is used, because temporary memory has less restrictions in System 7.0, and is otherwise ignored. For better System 6.x performance, just increase the amount of memory assigned to the program or don't use Multifinder. Currently, File/Folder comments are ignored. Also, for security, positions of files that contain bundle bits are not currently preserved in this version anymore (Application files, for example) because System 7.0 does not rebuild desktops the same way System 6.0x is able to. Also only 200K of temporary memory is reserved if this program has a desire to utilize most of your temporary memory. Future versions may have a preference for memory reservation.
PS. The faster your devices, the greater the speed advantage in using Blitz Copy. (At times I've measured it being six times faster, and I've heard stories of being EIGHT TIMES FASTER THAN SYSTEM 7 FINDER COPYING!) These speed claims are on systems not running Apple's "System 7 TuneUp" extension.